Kiruhura: Kajwengye donates over 2000 Science text books to schools
In a bid to boost and encourage the study of sciences, Hon. Wilson Kajwegye, MP for Nyabushozi County has donated a consignment of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and English textbooks as well as laboratory equipment (apparatus and reagents) to 14 secondary schools in Nyabushozi-Kiruhura district.
During the Launch of distribution of these materials to destined schools on Thursday at Bishops girls’ school in Rushere, Kajwengye said studying sciences is so important in the country and urged parents to educate their children from schools close to their homes so that they develop their communities.
“There is no society that has transformed with no emphasis of Science, Engineering innovation and technology,” said Kajwengye.
Paul Tandeka, the chairman board of governors for Kaaro high school said sciences in Kiruhura are poorly done and appreciated kajwengye for encouraging sciences in schools.
Rev kagumya David also noted that kajwengye had done a good thing by bringing a fresh perspective where young people are given a unique ability to think up creative solutions.
According to UK-based National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), exemplary science education can offer a rich context for developing many 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, and information literacy especially when instruction addresses the nature of science and promotes use of science practices.